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So I just noticed I was picked up by Reuters via BlogBurst

I was perusing my traffic sources a few minutes ago and noticed a hit from Reuters.com.  Humm. What could that be?  Last I checked I hadn't written anything picked up by the national news since I'm not named Joe and I'm not a Plumber. 

In any case, I clicked through this link and found my post titled,

Oh the Irony of Qwest: Great Service In Person 

staring at me, nicely formatted on the Reuters site powered by BlogBurst.  I was pretty much blown away because I probably signed up for BlogBurst a year ago???  Apparently their "syndication" plan has been activated.  Maybe it's been this way for a while and I just got picked up.  In any case, perhaps you'd like to check out BlogBurst and perhaps you'll be reading your own posts on Reuters and getting traffic soon too.

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