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CTU 24 Ring Tone

Here we go again!  As reported by the Madison Avenue West Blog, Phonezoo.com is offering free ringtones.  I don't play around with ring tones very much...but I have sought out a few KEY tones that really change my mood when the phone rings in a positive way.

What do you think is the number one ringtone downloaded?  Of course, it's the CTU 24 Ring tone that I've posted about before. 

This is your true geekdom entry point.  The CTU 24 ringtone used to be very difficult to find and to get working.  I've posted a version of the ringtone here that thousands of people have hit.  However, you can simply sign up for Phonezoo.com's service since for now, it's free.

I've just added the X-Files theme for a change.   Phonezoo.com gives you the html to embed the tone into a page like this below.

This service seems easy to use and everything happened the way they said it would when I downloaded and set up my latest ringtone.  Thus, without further chatter...here is the holy grail of Jack Bauer vicarious living. (Drum roll please).

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Thanks Doug!!! I found it!!!

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